Kangen sm Ju jihun.. nonton aja nih drama.. masih tetep 'cool', rapih & idungnya masih lancip kaya' wayang.. he..he..he..
Kisahnya menurut soompi.. The tragic event of their childhood entwined the fates between two of men who are bonded by it and a woman who has an ability in psychometry into a love triangle. Psychometry is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a psychic holds an object in his or her hands in order to obtain information about the object or its owner. Joo Ji Hoon will be acting as a lawyer Oh Seung Ha who is destined to meet a police detective, Kang Oh Soo (Uhm Tae Woong).Shin Min Ah plays Seo Hae In, a 25 year old mysterious librarian with an ability in psychometry. She is at the level of being diagnosed with amnesia/sleeping disorder and she tends to be in full concentration when she becomes too absorbed/focus into something. Kang Oh Soo who is from a rich family, had accidentally caused Oh Seung Ha to lose his brother and mom when they were young. Oh Seung Ha later grows up to be a lawyer who wants to seek revenge on Kang Oh Soo who is now a police detective. Oh Seung Ha and Seo Hae In will have feelings for each other while Kang Oh Soo has a one sided love for Seo Hae In.
Nah kmrn itu di eps.1 dicrita'in seorang gadis lagi main sepeda tiba² ada bola melintas didepannya dia jatuh & ambil bola itu, tp bgitu dia pegang bola dimata/kepalanya malah terlihat kejadian² yg berkaitan dng bola tsb. Gitu jg waktu dia pegang kunci, tiba² dia ngeliat kejadian di suatu tempat pembuangan mobil tua.. nah misteri ini yg kebawa sampe skrng.
17th kmdn Hae in (cewek ini) dah kerja di perpustakaan & sempet nolong orang yg kehilangan dompet dng cm megang punggungnya. Dah malem dia mo' nutup perpus ngeliat cowok masih baca buku. Seung Ha (ju jihun) masih baca secara dia baru pulang kerja nemuin penjahat di tahanan.. Hae in sempet tertegun & nanya "kita pernah ketemu kan ya.. ?".. Seung Ha diem sbentar trus jawab "tidak, .. nama saya Seung Ha".. mrk jabatan tangan.. trus kaya' ada aliran listrik yg brasa di tubuh Hae in..
sayangnya abis ini mataku nguantuk luar biasa.. gak tau² dah ditinggal anak² kekamar.. jd cm tidur sendirian depan tipi.. sebel.. bangun dah jam 10 langsung pindah kamar lanjutin tidur lagi.. maap ya.. rabu/kamis besok deh tak lanjutin.. he..he..he..
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